Alicia Ali for MSU President!

So some of you might be wondering why I’m posting on my blog about the MSU Presidential Elections. For many years I have attended McMaster and it has held a very special place in my heart. It is election time once again and I get to share my opinion on the matter.

From first years to upper years, each of you have ability to choose who represents you the following year. This year my support goes out to Alicia Ali. You can take a look at her platform at I find that her three main pillars of UpgradeUphold and Uplift ring true to me. It is your responsibility to make your decision an educated one. I ask that you take a look at all the candidates. Read their platforms and don’t be afraid to talk to them about the issues that you are interested in.

Make your mark on Feb. 2-3, 2011 by voting for your candidate. This year the voting is done online so there is no need to wait in those huge lines anymore. Also, make sure that you vote on all the referendums while you are there. It is especially key to vote yes for HSR bus services, unless you like paying $90 a month like everyone else in Hamilton.

Enjoy the journey!

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