Surfing and Guincho

Here is my recent page on surfing and the Praia do Guincho where it all went down. At the this beach I learned to surf under the instruction of the great guys at the Moana Surf School. I had an amazing time and took some great pictures of the beach and the kitesurfers. Hope you guys enjoy it! Click here to check it out.


As a little aside though I want to say that surfing is a lot of fun and a great thing for people to try out at least once in their lives. It is super easy to get started especially since there are some great surf schools out there. Do not misunderstand me when I say its easy to start because it is in no way easy to master. After an hour and a half my legs were pretty tired from walking against the waves. I can see why surfers are so fit… And I’m sure its not only from surfing but it makes me feel better by hinting otherwise. Yes I know there is no excuse for unwanted pudginess especially if I don’t attempt to rid myself of it. So long story short, SURFING IS AWESOME!!!

Skydiving For First Time Ever!

Last week I was in Portimão where I had signed up for the Level 1 AFF skydiving training course. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. At first I thought it was going to be just the thrill of the jump and a once in a life time thing but then I decided I wanted to prove to myself that it is never too late nor too soon to do something. I arrived at Portimão by train the day prior to my training and stayed at one of the great youth hostels in Portugal.

The company that I trained with is Skydive Algarve and they operate out of the Aeródromo Municipal de Portimão in the city of Alvor. Let me just say that these guys are absolutely amazing. They are extremely friendly and go out of their way to make sure that you get the most out of your experience and are incredibly flexible. They don’t just provide training courses but also do tandem jumps upon your request any day you want no matter the conditions and for a fee can provide you with pictures and videos of your jump with them. These guys are truly pros with thousands upon thousands of jumps under their belts. Did I mention I think they are amazing.

Back to the jump, so since I was doing the jump unattached from anyone and as it’s the first step to having a license they naturally had to train me. After a day of training with one of my instructors, Bruno, I wrote the exam and then we waited for the appropriate conditions and we took off with myself, the pilot and two instructors. Again seeing as this wass only the first level they are not crazy enough to throw me out of a plane by myself so naturally two instructors jump with me to make sure everything runs smoothly. My advice to anyone doing this is to take advantage of the view while you are going up because there is no time for that during the fall. So we climbed to 12,000 ft or 4 km and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous and Bruno would inform you the instant you asked him. The jump went well but the landing due to my nervousness was a bit rough with no blame on the staff at all.

I need to let you in on a little secret about skydiving that I learned the hard way. Always keep your cool and focus. It only took 1 min to fall 2 km with practice that’s a lot of time but for the first time it wont feel like much but you definitely learn the value of time. I was surprised with what goes through your mind during this minute though… Absolutely Nothing, other than making sure you get your job done and check the altitude. I learned two things from this experience. The first being that I actually enjoyed every moment of it and will continue training ASAP and the second is that you should always listen to instructions especially when they are being sent to you over your radio… Sorry Bruno that was my fault. I can’t stress enough how amazing these guys are so I added the link above if you are ever in the area.

As Bruno said… It’s all in the hips just screw the world! Best part of my journey this year and Jörn I will be back ASAP.

Insomniac and Absent…

So it’s 4:15 AM and I can’t seem to fall asleep and this will likely be posted later today. But before I get into details let me say that if you are wondering why I’ve been missing for the last few months it’s really rather simple… I’ve been very busy and had a lot on my plate.

I was watching a movie not too long ago and an interesting quote struck me and cannot sleep. “What do you want in life?” Now most of us believe that we have some idea of what we want but it is much harder to be certain. There are few things that I am certain about but those few are fundamental to who I am and who I want to be.

This summer will be an interesting one for me. I will be spending a fair chunk of it back home in Portugal. As a result I will undoubtedly be making frequent updates to the blog. Furthermore, this summer I have the honour and pleasure of celebrating the marriage of 6 great friends. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

Now back to life and wants. In the movie the answer that was given is freedom. That’s certainly not simple and people constantly fight for it. But there is more than just freedom from tyranny and oppression. Freedom can be spiritual, social and even intellectual. It’s never easy and nothing in life ever is.

My suggestion to everyone who reads this is simple. Think of what you want from the short lives we have. When you’ve found something, fight long and hard for it. I’m still fighting everyday and every night for as long as I can.

Good luck to you all! Feel free to leave some comments and share what it is you want. You can’t look around a turn in the road but you can always choose where you let the road take you.

Alicia Ali for MSU President!

So some of you might be wondering why I’m posting on my blog about the MSU Presidential Elections. For many years I have attended McMaster and it has held a very special place in my heart. It is election time once again and I get to share my opinion on the matter.

From first years to upper years, each of you have ability to choose who represents you the following year. This year my support goes out to Alicia Ali. You can take a look at her platform at I find that her three main pillars of UpgradeUphold and Uplift ring true to me. It is your responsibility to make your decision an educated one. I ask that you take a look at all the candidates. Read their platforms and don’t be afraid to talk to them about the issues that you are interested in.

Make your mark on Feb. 2-3, 2011 by voting for your candidate. This year the voting is done online so there is no need to wait in those huge lines anymore. Also, make sure that you vote on all the referendums while you are there. It is especially key to vote yes for HSR bus services, unless you like paying $90 a month like everyone else in Hamilton.

Enjoy the journey!

First Post of the Year

So I realize I have been absent from the blogging scene for quite some time but I will be back soon. There has been a lot going on that has prevented me from making updates. I am, however, making a list of potential locations I’d like to blog about. I have recently discovered the wonders of on-site blogging and foursquare! I hope to put it all to good use. This being said keep on the lookout for me across Hamilton over the coming months. One of the first places I’ll be revisiting is the Hamilton Waterfront at Pier 8 to skate on the outdoor rink I mentioned in an earlier post. The Grand Opening of the rink kicks off Winterfest on January 29th at 12:15pm. Go check it out!

Make the most of the new year. I’ll be continuing my journey at Pier 8!


Have you ever asked yourself the timeless question why? For instance, why am I writing a blog? Why doesn’t everyone just laugh instead of fight? Why are some people rude? Maybe even why am I here and why me. Well it’s not that easy a question to answer.

Here are some of the whys that I have been asked:

Q: Why did you start this blog?

A: The easiest answer is Dr. Bob Henderson and Deb Schrader. It comes down to all that they had taught me and one night. I was off to the side just staring out at the lake and reflecting on our portage. Soon after tears were streaming down my face with no sobs to be heard. Don’t ask me why because I have yet to come up with an answer to that.

Q: Why do you do conferences?

A: It makes me feel good knowing that I can pass on my knowledge to others in the hopes that I can help them make the right choices in life.

Q: Why do you want to help people?

A: If I don’t help them will you? It’s easy to question people but far harder to come up with answers. If I can give them assistance in that aspect of life then I think my life of great worth.

Q: Why have you left so many things left undone?

A: I have always had a fear of failure. Whether it be life goals or relationships I have always been afraid.

Many times there are multiple answers to why. The one thing that you have control over is the way you come to terms with these answers. Never be afraid to tackle difficult questions. If you have doubts then this means that you are truly thinking not merely phasing out and letting time pass. This is one way that I am coming to terms with some of my answers.

Don’t let it be too late for you to come to terms with your answers. My bumpy journey continues.

10 Things I Love About Travel

To contrast last weeks post, and give myself more time to explore Hamilton and take pictures, here is my list of things that I love about travel. Again these are in no particular order. If you like the list tell me and if not tell me what you think should be up there.

1. Location, Location, Location

Let’s not forget that one of the main reasons to travel at all is to visit new places. The world is too magnificent to simply stay in one city for your entire life.  I find that a change of scenery assists in clearing ones mind and reflecting on life. I encourage everyone to go out and see the world. I have been truly blessed in this aspect from an early age and it is never too late to start your own journey.

2. People

Human interaction is an impressive thing. Without it there would be no culture within a population. Meeting new people can help you broaden your understanding of other cultures. Locals more often than not want to show you the best of their culture and demonstrate infinite amounts of hospitality.

3. Music

This is one of the corner stones of culture. It is very diverse across the world and is most definitely a language in and of itself. Music is a beautiful natural and human creation. It allows for expression of every emotion and scenery imaginable. Powerful and intoxicating are both very appropriate descriptions for one of my favourite things I experience in travel.

4. Food & Drink

They say that the fastest way to a man heart is through his stomach and I tend to agree… Just a little though. I think it more accurate to say that the best way to learn what a region has to offer is through food & drink. Who better to ask than the locals. If language is a barrier then I suggest sticking to restaurants in tourist areas and ask what is a common local dish or specialty of the region. After you find that out try it to see if you like it. If you do then go online and find a recipe. If you have the option visit the local markets to do your shopping and avoid the big convenience stores. Not only did you just add a new dish to your repertoire but you also gave back to the locals by purchasing in the markets.

5. New Experiences

The phrase life is too short always comes to mind but that should never stop you from experiencing new things. A great part about travel is that you are constantly learning whether it be about your destination, the people, the culture or even yourself. Take advantage of the time you have to make these new experiences.

6. The Journey

No path is ever taken the same. The journey to a location always differs from the journey of another. Everyone does things differently which results in unique experiences. More often than not there are a lot of memorable events that happen along the way to and back from a destination. Pit stops in a small city could lead to an adventure two years down the road. It certainly adds a certain aspect of uncertainty which can make any trip fun. Even the mode of transportation plays a role. After all, the experience of a flight and a drive, although have the same end result, differ largely on the journey from point A to B.

7. Sharing the Experience

Being able to share the experience adds something special to travel. Whether it’s a loved one or close friends the experience is that much more memorable because they are there. Being able to say, “I’m glad you were there” is what it really comes down to.

8. Humility

Travel can be a very humbling experience. Perhaps one of the few aspects of human nature that few ever attempt to seek out and, in my opinion, it’s one of the most important ones. Remember that travelling is not just seeing the world that the tourism industry wants you to see but it is seeing the world for what it truly is. I am not saying you should be intentionally putting yourself into harms way in situations that you are not prepared for. In all honesty, many of the humbling experiences will happen in nature so long as you have your eyes open. Just be aware that there is more going on out there than you may realize. Keep that in mind before you become immersed in your own delusions of grandeur. It keeps life in perspective.

9. Money

Yes money is on the list but not for the reason you might think. For one I love the diversity of money and for another travel can be an overall inexpensive experience in which you gain a lot of knowledge and life experience. I think it is a great investment because, let’s face it, when you are long gone from this world what use will money be to you. Carpe Diem. Enjoy life while you can is always a good way to look at things.

10. Fun

Having fun is ultimately the most important part about travel. If you don’t enjoy yourself then why travel at all. Fun means different things for different people. Don’t get too carried away though. After all, you have to go back to reality eventually.

I hope you guys enjoyed my list. This one was definitely more thought provoking than the last. See you guys next week as my journey continues.

The Waterfall Battle

So while I was in Mont-Tremblant I saw truly some humbling scenery. On the summit’s north side all you could see is rolling mountains and hills as far as the eye could possibly see. Simply magnificent! I also saw a waterfall on one of the hiking trails. As I took in the natural beauty of the area I thought to myself, why don’t I come back and tackle that waterfall one on one.

It occurred to me that the mountain air made me a little crazy because let’s face it you can’t fight a waterfall… But you sure as hell can climb across to its base and test your ability to block out the cold. Now just to give you a reference as to how cold this water is, the summit temperature was 5 degrees Celsius meaning that the mountain water was about 2. For those of you who want it in Fahrenheit its about 37 degrees. So its pretty damn cold and the air temperature at the base is about 12°C or 54 F.

I’m sure these pictures will help but let my say that it was quite the physiological experience. Difficult to explain but I’ll try to in a few lines. When I first got under it my went into shock and I started gasping with irregular breathing. Eventually I acclimatized and a warm sensation fell over my body. Ten minutes in my head became very numb and the cold starting biting hard. Three minutes later I could not take it anymore and called it quits on the battle. Then I started rubbing my head to get sensation back. It was absolutely a memorable experience which I will be more than willing to repeat. Sadly the waterfall kicked my butt as it always will but it’s worth a shot to see how long you can go.

Now my journey continues on the road home.

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