Insomniac and Absent…

So it’s 4:15 AM and I can’t seem to fall asleep and this will likely be posted later today. But before I get into details let me say that if you are wondering why I’ve been missing for the last few months it’s really rather simple… I’ve been very busy and had a lot on my plate.

I was watching a movie not too long ago and an interesting quote struck me and cannot sleep. “What do you want in life?” Now most of us believe that we have some idea of what we want but it is much harder to be certain. There are few things that I am certain about but those few are fundamental to who I am and who I want to be.

This summer will be an interesting one for me. I will be spending a fair chunk of it back home in Portugal. As a result I will undoubtedly be making frequent updates to the blog. Furthermore, this summer I have the honour and pleasure of celebrating the marriage of 6 great friends. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

Now back to life and wants. In the movie the answer that was given is freedom. That’s certainly not simple and people constantly fight for it. But there is more than just freedom from tyranny and oppression. Freedom can be spiritual, social and even intellectual. It’s never easy and nothing in life ever is.

My suggestion to everyone who reads this is simple. Think of what you want from the short lives we have. When you’ve found something, fight long and hard for it. I’m still fighting everyday and every night for as long as I can.

Good luck to you all! Feel free to leave some comments and share what it is you want. You can’t look around a turn in the road but you can always choose where you let the road take you.

First Post of the Year

So I realize I have been absent from the blogging scene for quite some time but I will be back soon. There has been a lot going on that has prevented me from making updates. I am, however, making a list of potential locations I’d like to blog about. I have recently discovered the wonders of on-site blogging and foursquare! I hope to put it all to good use. This being said keep on the lookout for me across Hamilton over the coming months. One of the first places I’ll be revisiting is the Hamilton Waterfront at Pier 8 to skate on the outdoor rink I mentioned in an earlier post. The Grand Opening of the rink kicks off Winterfest on January 29th at 12:15pm. Go check it out!

Make the most of the new year. I’ll be continuing my journey at Pier 8!

Updates Galore!!!!

So the update that I have for you is that there will be a bunch of new places that will be posted over the next month or so. These will include but won’t be limited to the Farmers Market, the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra and the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Oh and I also cleaned up the site a bit but sadly no Papagayo in the Places section yet. Unfortunately this is all the update that I have for you since university has just started back up and I’m trying to get into the swing of things.

That’s it for now! The journey through another school year begins!


Those of you that know me will know one thing about me… The only thing consistent about my life is its inconsistency. I very rarely commit to doing anything on a regular basis but here is a new attempt at consistency. Starting on my birthday I will make a post every week on Monday on this blog. I will try to keep it to just travel but should a dry spell come up I think that life will have to do for posts. Keep suggestions coming for locations in Hamilton to visit. I’m looking for memorable and cultural areas around Hamilton which should be visited by friends and anyone else from out of town. I have followed through with some suggestions already. The Waterfront will be released soon as I just need to get back into Hamilton and take some pictures. Thanks to Danielle and Dina for the suggestion. Thanks for reading and leave any suggestions in the comments box.

Mont-Tremblant and Blog Reworked

So I’ve finally reworked the blog which needed to get done eventually as new areas needed to be added and the current pages current handle it. More importantly there is a new place to visit! Welcome to Mont-Tremblant, Québec. It’s absolutely gorgeous!!! Click here to see it.